August 2 Update


In our July 12 HAMMRC Board meeting, we discussed an exciting project coming to the geographic region of HAMMRC. XTREMIS was introduced by U. S. Rep. Steve Womack (AR-District 3) in an April event in Fayetteville. XTREMIS will be a unique national resource for the development of advanced electromagnetic spectrum technologies.

XTREMIS was established in 2021 by a group of researchers who won two challenge competitions sponsored by the US government’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). XTREMIS has developed a portfolio of intellectual property. The company leverages advanced AI, data science and automation technologies to improve spectrum utilization and is building a massively distributed information system through three services that visualize the spectrum, enabling dynamic, scalable access by Radio Frequency and wireless assets, on-demand, at machine speed. XTREMIS works closely with critical U.S. and international agencies to deploy an integrated civil-military spectrum deconfliction and monitoring platform.

What does all this mean for HAMMRC? It means that this AI start-up will be ramping up its project at the former SEFOR site in Strickler and other sites, well within reasonable commuting distance for all HAMMRC members. Company leaders say it will take about three years to fully staff up to 75 or so employees as the proving ground (to be called the Devil’s Den Proving Ground) is being built. As we have always stated as a HAMMRC goal, the company will be providing high-level, very good-paying jobs, and no dirty wastewater or smokestacks.

Our HAMMRC leadership has established good relations with XTREMIS leaders and are in position to be of assistance to them “on the ground” in Washington County. Stay tuned for updates in our newsletter and at our Board meetings.


HAMMRC HAMMRC Board meeting in Tahlequah
Friday, August 13, 10:00am
Cherokee Health Outpatient Center
107 East School Street

Friday, November 8, 10:00am
Location TBA

The Mayor’s Corner

Mayors and community leaders involved in planning and development have many documents to review when developing the best way to promote sites in their areas. To help with this, HAMMRC has provided a quick look at the type of forms you would encounter (links included). New, less restrictive guidelines from the AR Site Selection Center will allow us to check for additional sites we can list. We've also included the link for Oklahoma site selection information and incentive analysis generation provided by Nathan Reed. This information-gathering form is crucial when a city is contacted by prospects who ask the question: "What incentives do you offer?" HAMMRC currently gets Requests for Information and Requests for Proposals from three sources: AR Economic Development Commission, OK Dept. of Commerce, and the Northwest AR Council. When these are received they are screened for requirements to determine if any of our member cities have qualifying facilities/sites. Beginning 8/1/24 we will forward all RFIs and RFPs we receive to give Mayors an opportunity to see what prospects need and which features the community lacks to be considered. No action will be requested; we simply want our members to be aware of the most frequently asked-for community characteristics so they can begin to counsel with city planners and city councils on investments for growth they will need to make.

Finally, as we deal with potential prospects, one question we can ask is What is their NAICS code? The Medical Device industry is defined by seven NAICS codes, and includes sectors that crossover with Advanced Manufacturing, which makes hardware that typically integrates electronics for use in medical devices. Medical devices are typically used in hospitals, doctor offices, nursing and residential care facilities, and diagnostic labs. As we research and survey suppliers and vendors for our largest hospitals in the HAMMRC region, we focus on those seven codes:

334510... Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturing

334513....Instruments and Related Products

334514....Totalizing Fluid meter and Counting Device Manufacturing

334515... Instrument Manufacturing for Measuring and Testing Electricity and Electrical Systems

334516....Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing

334517....Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing 334519....Other Measuring and Controlling Device Manufacturing

Mayor’s Corner Links:

OK Incentive Analysis Generation Form

AR Site Selection Letter of Commitment

AR Site Selection website

OK Department of Commerce website

Congratulations, community leaders in Lincoln for completing the Economic Development Course (AEP/SWEPCO) in the interest of bringing new business to the Lincoln, Arkansas area.

Here’s a pat on the back to our HAMMRC Newsletter Readers:

In the marketing and advertising category where HAMMRC is grouped, the average ‘open rate’ for email newsletters is 32.6%. HAMMRC’s average open rate for this newsletter is 50.2% Thank you for reading the HAMMRC Newsletter. When you click on an attached link, you are encouraging our writers to write more of what you like to read. Don’t hesitate to let me know what you think.

~ Wayne Mays, Senior Policy Advisor, HAMMRC and Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce


October 10 Update


June 7 Update