December 6th Update
Video Visualizing
Nathan, Brian and Wayne meeting with the Cherokee Film Productions staff in Owasso, OK.
The HAMMRC Leadership Team met with the Cherokee Film Production staff on Dec. 2 in Owasso to plan for the development of a series of short videos to be used in marketing HAMMRC to potential members, Investors, and prospects. The videos will be available to members and Investors to embed on their websites, inform their stakeholders (City Councils, schools, Boards of Directors) and for members and HAMMRC staff use at trade shows and conventions.
Austin Parker of the Film Production staff gave the leaders a tour of the state-of-the-art facility, including an impressive sound stage, editing suites, pro-grade audio suites, as well as production offices and catering facilities. A second soundstage – recently completed – provides an additional 10,000 square feet of production space. Our collaboration will no doubt result in outstanding video products we can use to market HAMMRC.
New Investor
New Board Members to be Welcomed
The HAMMRC Board of Directors will welcome two new members in on Jan. 10, 2024. Both will represent the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce (Founding Member). Jennifer Irwin is the new President and CEO of the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce, replacing recently retired President Steve Clark.
Photos from Board Meeting on Nov. 15, 2024, in Farmington
Upcoming Events:
12/10/24, 6:30 pm – HAMMRC membership presentation to West Fork, AR City Council by Wayne Mays.
1/10/25, 10 am- Board Meeting at Indian Capital Technology Center, Tahlequah, OK; (240 CareerTech Way, Tahlequah, OK. 74464) (Map Below) meeting will be followed by a tour of the Tahlequah Industrial Park and introduction to a business owner relocating from Canada.