February 7th Update
New Investor
Our newest HAMMRC Investor is PGTelco of Prairie Grove. PGTelco is an iconic family-owned and operated business and has been since its incorporation in 1906. Originally incorporated as a telephone company, PGTelco offers High Speed Internet, Satellite TV and Networking Services as well as the most reliable telephone service in Washington County. They have competitive pricing and reliable service backed by over 100 years’ experience. They offer custom solutions for any size business or home office. You may learn more about their hosted business solutions by calling at 479-846-7200.
Our HAMMRC contact with PGTelco is Sandy Anderson, Sales and Marketing Manager, sanderson@pgtc.com, 479-846-7200. The company website is: www.pgtc.com.
Sandy Anderson of PG Telco and Wayne Mays of HAMMRC
New Board Members
Newest Board members – Jennifer Irwin and Mark Power - take their places at Tahlequah Board meeting on 1/24/25
Visualizing Videos
In the Jan. 24, 2025, Board meeting Arielle Barnett of Cherokee Nation Communications and Board Chair Brian Hail presented a proposal/estimate for services from Cherokee Film Productions (located in Owasso), for several deliverables we requested, including (3) 5-minute videos, (6) derivative 30 second videos, and up to 10 hours of studio interviews and B-roll at HAMMRC partner communities. After 50-60% discounts, the estimated price would be slightly over $67,000. The Board engaged in an extensive discussion of the size and excellent production quality of the CFP department, uses of the videos by members- present and future- (on websites, social media, emails, trade shows, etc.). The Board considered the possible value of seeking competitive bids from companies within the HAMMRC territory and surrounding area, but no known comparative providers are located in the region, The price estimate is regarded as very reasonable and the value of doing business with a department of a member (The Cherokee Nation) is significant. See below the marketing materials for Cherokee Film.
“The Long Game”
One of our valued Investors – AEP/SWEPCO – has provided free access to HAMMRC members a for high-quality video instructional program called “Energizing Economic Development.” We have promoted this program to our members and a group of 11 community leaders in Lincoln completed the course, leading to “Certificates of Completion” as Champions of Economic Development. This program is available to groups such as Chambers of Commerce, City Councils, planning commissions, civic clubs, or groups of individuals with an interest in advancing their local economies. After completing the course, several folks have observed that they learned how much they didn’t know about what their communities need to know. Upon completion, local leaders will need to organize action groups to take the steps outlined; success will not be quick or easy, hence our headline “The Long Game.”
To provide more specific information and encourage engagement by other communities, we will run a series of articles about the video course. The introductory segment focuses on “The 8 Pillars of Economic Development.” The Pillars are divided into two segments: “Community Development” and “Business Development”; each segment covers four categories which will enlighten and challenge course participants. See the diagram below. We will examine at least one category in depth in each upcoming newsletter.
Upcoming Events:
3/14/25, 10am - March Board Meeting at Lincoln High School (Lincoln High School Conference Room, 107 East School Street)
5/9/25 - Board Meeting (Tahlequah: Site to be determined).